Hi, i am trying to get into java java coding, i know the basic concept (you script signs that have commands on them, then you script an activation point,(any kind key,time,action,etc),then have some thing to respond to that command (or multiple), some can have 100's of actions that respond to a single or a bunch of commands, it can get complex but once you learn it its like typing a different language). but what would be a good book for first learning java coding? and suggestions would be great thanks!
Do you mean Java or JavaScript? You mention scripting in your email, which makes me think you want to learn JavaScript. Despite the similar names, Java and JavaScript are completely different languages.
If Java is what you are interested in learning, the best intro to Java book is Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel.
If JavaScript is what you are after, the best book out there for JavaScript is Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja by John Resig and Bear Bibeault. But be sure you know JavaScript basics before you start reading this book. Go through the JavaScript tutorial on w3schools.com.