Good beginner programming language

Hey, forum!

I'm a 10th grade student in Lithuania. At university I'm planning on studying editing, but I also want to have some experience in programming for good measure just maybe if I like it more than the editing. Generally job demands for programmers are much higher than editors in Lithuania, so I guess that's another reason why I want to get a little taste of programming. Is javascript a good language to start with? Or should I check something else? At my school they teach you C++ which is a bit old? I don't know, if you're a programmer and you know your stuff please advise me.


Hi,my 2 cents, learn the foundations of programming first, and not the language. You can then decide what language to pick based on what you want to do.

And to answer your question, My first programming class, was with Turbo C. Everything then seemed easy after that...

Good advice above. foundation knowledge > language itself, and really get a handle on applying hand written pseudo code to different languages.

c++ will never be old. So very powerful and it wont hold your hand like other languages. So really get involved at school and push further with the topics if it bores you. Grab a book from the likes of Savitch: Programming & Design inc Data Structures.

Try your hand at java and notice the differences between the two all it will cost is time. Best of luck with it all mate. 

C is a good language to start. it's strict so you learn to do it right the first time and it's machine level. So you also learn things like debugging and memory management.

It's not the easiest route to take but you'll learn it right the first time and not half ass like many others do.

That being said I'm a bad programmer myself but it has more to do with the way I think than my skills because I still reap the benefits from my C days.

Check out Code Academy. They have free interactive tutorials for some languages. C isn't one of them, but you can get started on Ruby (which is similar to C if I recall) and learn the basics before moving to C or C++ or Objective-C or what-have-you.

Good advice but not as easy to follow: most programming-basics courses that I know rely on code-examples in specific languages (which is no problem if you can understand the syntax in any similar language)

@ Topic

I would recommend C, too. Most basic concepts can be translated in a step-by-step measure in C, so you can almost read it like the text that is explaining the code. OO-based languages like C++ or Java may require more fancy stuff around that.

Maybe can be a help for you?