Good alternative to Beats

Tell them the truth. Beats is a nice (assuming you like bass) audio mix. The headphones themselves are just overpiced, substandard, stylised crap.

They aren't bad headphones, but for $200, you can get much better ones. If Beats were priced around the $50-60 range, they'd be worth it. $200 to $300? Hell no.

I wear Beats as a fashion statement, shallow as it sounds, they look good and I prefer to wear them while out.

If I'm working with music, DJing etc I use Sennheiser HD 280 PRO headphones...


I think that is how most people feel about them and why they are popular I know a lot of people that can't hear a differece between the apple earbuds and my sennheiser cx475 earbuds which were like $100 and cleanly sound a hell of a lot better but they are more concered that they don't look awsome same with my hd428 headphones they are better then beats but people don't buy them for the sound they are for the look.

This whole argument seems to come up a lot. I always say a load of crap about audio quality, and mix but, no one will ever listen to reason

I recommend something from Sennhiser, Beyerdynamics, Audio Technica, etc. I have the Audio Technica ATH M50 right now, and they are great headphones.

You are comparing semi open back headphones (bass light, I might add) to closed back heaphones that are $100 cheaper... They are completely different animals.

Sennheiser hd558.  I love them, they are great.  Long cord though. The audiotechnicas have a better connector too.  Also if you want something that looks like beats but sounds much better and is alot cheaper get the noontek zoro headphones on amazon, they are 70$.

Sony xb500, i wouldnt wear them out in public though. They have really good sounds for the price, they have huge ear cup paddings, so yiu can wear them for hours. And the best thing is that they are only 50$, the only other headphones i would buy would be the mezes, but those are too expensive for me lol.

I'll second Sennheiser, anything they make sounds excellent. Even their now 4-5 year old CX-301 ear buds. Which when first released cost 100 dollars, now only cost around 30 dollars or 20 on sale.

I'm confused. What model of beats are we talking about, the gap in price and quality between a pair of solo's and a pair of Studio beats is rather enourmous. You cant go off listing alternatives to non-specified headphones. Only reason i say this is because the Studio pros or whatever the current branding for them is are actually a great (if not overpriced) pair of headphones.

And are we trying to wear these in or wear them out? Becaused i'd love a pair of AKG 701s, or some Sennheiser HD558s, but im not going to wear them out, or listen to them without a decent amp. If i had to offer up an all encompassing alternative somewhere in the $200 range, i'd offer up ATH-AD900s. They're stylish, don't require an amp,they're open and offer up an amazing soundstage.

As an accompaniment, say you want something more portable to compete with those $100 solo's, at the risk of sounding like an Audio Technica fanboy, i'd recommend the ATH-M50s. It's got the bass that the solos sold you on, they're closed, and offer up superb noise isolation.

In reality there are many different alternatives to all the models offered by Monster, don't mean all the beats models are garbage, but there are many competitors that blow them out of the water.

No love for v-moda?

That's where I place my money. Good quality, durable, and sound really nice. Granted, I haven't done sound tests with many other headphones side by side, but from my years of listening, I couldn't be happier with my v-modas. Whether it's on my phone, or my PC, they're there, and they're durable.

I'd say they're a must have if you abuse your headphones, but if not, then listen to someone who has done side by side tests with them compared to others. I have listened to other over ears clearly, audiotechnica, bose, sony, beats, but never side by side since I mostly leave my headphones at home. Others though that have v-modas, tend to really stand by them, but I feel that's how most people are with whatever high-end headphones they use.

I'd check them out though. 

I own and love my sennheiser hd 439s but im guessing your looking for something more like:


Beats are junk. sure they have bass but that's it, they are headphones for 13 year old's who have not figured out there is more to music then thumping bass.
Grab some sennheiser's ,they may not have as much bass. But they make up for it in qualaty.

I have a pair of V Moda M100s. They sound pretty good. In terms of performance/style they're certainly a good option.

i strongly recommend Sennheiser HD595.  That's what i'm using and they're amazing; it delivers strong highs and strong bass, i'm more of a metal guy and occasionally listen to orchestral and classical type stuff.  They're audiophile headphones so the drivers shoot out both way so you can listen with or without the headphones on.  By far the best headphones i've ever bought.  

Another one i would suggest Audio Technica and AKG.  I've used a lot of AKG headphones and they do have great highs and mids though they do lack on the bass but it's great none the less.  Audio Technica is more towards sennheiser sounding headphones.  They're a bit cheaper than sennheiser as well and do have great flexibility, i like them more for the durability of their product over the drivers.  Every musician i've known either used Audio Technica or AKG.  Personally i like more of a realistic and less filtered sounding headphone so i tend to lean towards sennheiser because of how it doesn't sound so filtered.

Never go beats, if they were about 1/2 the price that they are now, it wouldn't be so bad, but you're paying for dr.dre's name.  Though i do have the say that beats audio is good on laptops, great little speakers.