Good 3-Way SLI Motherboard?

I am looking into upgrading my CPU and motherboard but am having some trouble deciding. The reason for the upgrade is my system has become a bit unbalanced since my most recent upgrades. I just got a second GTX 780 when the price dropped and ram I found on sale but now my build is, unbalanced. 

  • Corsair Carbide Air 540
  • Samsung 840 Series 250GB
  • 2 x WD Blue 1 TB
  • Intel Core i5-3570K 
  • Corsair Hydro Series H100i Water Cooler
  • 2 x GeForce GTX 780 EVGA ACX Cooler SLI
  • Corsair Vengeance 32GB (4 x 8GB)
  • Corsair HX 750 

I feel like with the amount of graphics power I should upgrade my cpu and motherboard. I am thinking a i7 4770k would be the best cpu choice and would also like a board that supports 3-Way SLI so I can add a third 780 down the road, I don't think a 4th would give me much performance increase. So my question is would you agree a 4770k would be the best fit with my plans and what 3-Way SLI board would you recommend? Thanks.

I would not go with a i7-4770K if you want 3 way sli, because the z87 platform is just not designed for it. there are not enough pci-e lanes availeble for it. it does not matter much if you are on an i5 or i7 in that case..  there are some expensive Z87 boards that contain a plx chip to generate more pci-e lanes. but with a 3 way sli it will just be a bottleneck.

I would not see why you ever would need 3 way sli anyway, but if you want 3 /4 way sli support, then its better to go with socket 2011 ivybridge -E setup. because on socket 2011 ivy-e youve got much more pci-e 3.0 lanes availeble.

I7-4930K or if thats to expensive  i7-4820K. with asus X79 deluxe board.

Grtz Angel ☺

Now I dont need it but In the next 2-3 years it may be an easy upgrade to keep my pc running games on ultra settings at 1440 without having to build a new pc from the bottom up. It may be a good idea for me to just hang on and see what the Haswell-e has to offer.