So if I’m reading into this correctly:
Sounds like how another article put it, “air bnb” for your computer’s cores.
I’ve stayed removed from the whole crypto thing, just reading and watching things to be at least a little in the know, but have had no ambitions of mining myself (I did try to setup folding because its for a good cause, but couldn’t get it working correctly).
But this air bnb concept, I’m actually very interested. I have an ESXi box with cores just idling away, I wouldn’t mind putting some of that to use if the service saves me from having to maintain a wallet, keep up with trends etc. The selling point for me would be if: a) Increase wattage electricity price isn’t more than payment and b) payment is simply cash to an account, saving me any care about fluctuation of whats being mined.
What do you guys think?