Going evil in Fallout 4 - Second Playthrough

As evil as I can be, anyway. I know Fallout 4 isn’t the best for that, but i’d really like some help in direction in regards to quests. My goal, amongst other things - is to play everyone like a fiddle, and ultimately side with the institute. I remember having to backtrack in saves in my initial playthrough because I didn’t know i went too far ahead with some quests. There are a LOT of qualifiers in this game. I installed Apelmemnom’s Chinese Stealth Armor, btw. I don’t know why, but for some reason, whenever i try and play the evil character in Fallout, i go for a female chinese character. It just fits, I guess. Especially with the Fallout universe.

What I mean exactly is; get the most out of everyone, while siding with the Institute. That can of course mean items and any perks/benefits. And going as far as a I possibly can with their quest-line. Both radiant and main story. For example, with the Railroad, getting the Deliverer and Tinker Tom Special is my goal. I can’t think of anything else they can offer, material-wise?

I never got to experience the Institute to its fullest. There are a LOT of quests I missed in my initial playthrough. I chose that neutral Minutemen ending where I stay friends with everyone.

Are there also any mods that can enhance my experience? For what i’m trying to achieve, siding with the Institute, and generally playing an evil/bad karma character?

And again, what do I have to do quest-wise? How far can I go with each faction?

ALSO. I finally started Nuka World on my first playthrough a couple weeks ago. That DLC is very biased for evil characters. So my plan is to stay away from Minutemen and not create any settlements to make way for making Raider settlements once I get to Nuka World on this second, evil character. Thoughts? Advice?