GOG galaxy



Its a client for gog that is optional. Still zero drm but you can have the advantages of steam with it without the drm, it sounds like.

I, for one, am glad that someone is confronting Steam headon. There hasn't really been much of an alternative for PC gamers who don't want to use Steam. I really hope that this doesn't flop. Competition is always good.

I posted this in the other thread on gog galaxy, but I would argue that competition is bad in this area when it results in games being available on some but not all platforms. It's bad enough I already have to use both steam and origin to play games, I wouldn't want to have to use a third platform as well (although gog galaxy would not be this third platform as it is optional).

I don't think gog galaxy can fail. Its just a front end to your gog games basically. Its not like origin or u play or steam. Its optional and gog is already more than off the ground.