GOG.com dropping the ball on their customer service

I found this post earlier today on Reddit that outlined a discussion between a gamer, and their Customer Service associate from GOG.com

[Here is a link to the write-up]

Kinda made my blood boil seeing a representative of the company voicing their personal opinions in an email while they are on the clock. especially how the associates comparisons were completely out of scope, and really only degraded the conversation.

I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinions (however incorrect those opinions may or may not be), but when i see a customer service person deciding to voice their opinions, especially AGAINST a customer that had an issue with a product, i start to question weather or not i want to continue my business with them.

This is not a post to discuss gender, religious viewpoints, or what's appropriate in games. that is not what I'm pointing at here.

What I DO want to point out is that this type of behavior is quite unbecoming of a company.

I'd like to hear the communities opinion on the matter. should customer service stick to business only topics, or should they be able to comment on things in this manner?

I agree that customer service should stay away from that kind of stuff.Even thought i do not agree with the reddit poster's reactions on this, it is better for the customer service not get into that kind of questions.
It is a bit unprofessional for sure but that being said i do not see the big deal.

The actual matter was resolved very well in favor of the consumer (even though his reason for asking for a refund was a bit too much. I mean its just one joke in a 80+ hour game if i recognize the game correctly) and the service did take it seriously as they ought to. Whether someone agrees with the the service guy's opinion or not he did say that it was his personal opinion, apologized beforehand and he was very civilized and respectful in expressing it. In that sense its not such a big deal.

I agree,
The actual issue was actually dealt with in an EXTREMELY generous manner.... As for the service rep and their personal opinions.... Well, again, the rep apologised in advance, and was very clear that it was their own PERSONAL opinion, which in no way reflects the companys views.... So I really don't see why this person (or anyone else fotbthat matter) is bagging on GoG as a company for this, rather than solely that particular rep....

Especially since she in no way whatsoever was obliged to answer the service reps question...

Surely a lot of other companies reps have done a lot worse...

I do agree that it wasn't the correct place to voice his opinion. Maybe it was his failed(and bad) attempt to make the customer to reconsider or maybe he was just one of those "I need to be right on this subject and I have to change everyones mind in this" guy.

But it also seem that a lot of people don't get what that "joke" means in the context of the game. It's not a commentary about transgender people or homophobic people or anything like that. Just as much as Battlefield Hardline is not a commentary of the over militarisation of police fore in the US.

Pillars of Eternity is a piece of fiction and stuff like that is used to make the people who made the joke more hateable(Just like thugs in Batman game make sexist comments against catwoman. It's there to make them more unpleasant and a reason for you to hate them). Or it's a mockery of an homophobic person who thought that what happened was so shameful that he offed himself. Or he was raped. Or it was very much a joke on that persons expense. The world in Pillars of Eternity is a very bad one. People in the world are unpleasant and this is part of creating that world.

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I don't know what I should think of this. The person should be happy he got a refund and move on.
It seems to be a sensible topic - the content of the joke and Obsidian Entertainment's decision to replace it.

I admit, while curiosity and the desire to understand people's reasons are usually a good thing, the employee shouldn't have asked this question. But the reaction of the customer seems a bit over the top. Instead of answering the question the customer could've refused to do so - which is his/her right - and leave it be.

But since when is it an exceptable thing to blame someone for having a different opinion - even if someone feels offended by it? "He disagreed with me, the customer! Public shaming shall be his punishment!" Sounds more like he/she's just easily offended, or rather picky when it comes to what bothers him/her. "a game for a more mature and sensible audience" what? I have no idea where he got the impression that a game in which lots of people are hung on a tree is for a "sensible audience". I don't even know when people decided that the depiction of corpses hanging from a tree is less disturbing than a limmerick about a homophobic guy who commits suicide.

Oh dear, it seems like someone's delicate sensibilities have been offended.

Seriously though, the customer rep should have just said "Sorry, can't do that" instead of engaging in a debate with some professional victim.

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It was a bit unprofessional. At least the person still got their refund, also he did mention at the start of the comment that it was his personal opinion.

This doesn't really chance my opinion on GOG, sure they hired someone who was a bit unprofessional in an email. But these things happen in any company. Its difficult to filter people at that low of a level, you can't prevent someone from just loosing it. It's the human factor of any job.

Hopefully GOG will straighten things out, but my opinion is that this is not GOG's fault entirely.

Note to self: next time I want a refund, I'll just pretend to be offended about some stupid thing in the game.

Honestly, the guy gave him a refund on a game due to his dislike of a joke. That is pretty good service.

Although the customer service associate probably shouldn't have written about his personal views where he did, he could have been a lot worse in the way he expressed them.

Is this what we do now, patrol the Internet looking to be offended?


what tipped you off, besides it being on r/gamerghazi?

What the guy said was nowhere near unprofessional, especially when a refund of transaction is being demanded upon that reason.

Quite simply, yes. Yes we do.

It reminds me of those people who attempt insurance fraud by intentionally running in front of a car, injuring themselves rather than being injured due to the impact. But in this case those people are not only screaming "I was run over by a car because the driver didn't pay attention to the road" (obviously a lie) but "this privileged white, hetero cis male ran me over on purpose because oppressing me wasn't enough to express his hate for [insert non-hetero. non-male sexual orientation, maybe throw in religion and race too if you want]!"

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i agree with Taco_Bell
... gog didn't drop the ball... that guy got offended by a joke... its like being offended that there are black people walking down the road... what-so-ever free speech free creation motha fs.

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