Gnome Shell Extensions

Wendell, I have to call shenanigans on installing Gnome Shell Extensions.
I installed the latest version of Debian with Gnome 3.4.2.

I've followed every suggestion I can find on the internet and can't get the Gnome Shell Extensions ( to work as you described in your Linux video.

The slider on the page never appears and as far as I can determine, all the plug-ins for Iceweasel are install as well as necessary packages.

Yet another reason Linux Sucks.

So before you go spouting how much Linux sucks because you cannot install fucking extensions to GNOME (yes, I'm being hostile) Did you check the GNOME Shell Integration plugin? You did say "all the plug-ins", but that's the specific one you need. it might not have been included to IceWeasel and other Firefox-forks

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Is the extension page loading in Firefox? It should. Also when you first go there firefox will ask you to allow or deny the extensions. Choose allow and remember.

Holy shit dude. You are using Gnome 3.4? Dude, we are on 3.16. Most plugins WONT work with something that old! Plus, you have to enable them in the browser when the popup offers. Kinda like when it asks about java or flash.

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The most common mistake is trying to install extensions with chrome browser. Only the firefox browser has the plugin out of the box.

Gnome is literally the easiest environment to set up(on par with unity). If you can't get it working you must be doing something seriously wrong.

Debian runs very 'stable' packages, but thus this means they are old.

If you want a Gnome distro try Fedora or Ubuntu Gnome as they run more modern versions.

Oh yes, I am very aware of that. But still, 3.4?

look for extensions in the debian repos.

aptitude search [whatever-extension]

Cant you just use firefox instead of iceweasle? Worked just fine for me.

I have tried Firefox.

I've read many posts in other forums of people experiencing the same issue.

Don't know what the fix is and at this point I don't care.

As much as I hate MS Windows. I don't spend hours trying to figure out how to install something - anymore.