GNOME 3.38 - Xorg: 144Hz won't work with multiple monitors on AMD

I don’t have a Nvidia card so it’s a little hard for me to give you good answers but try adding the following to your /etc/environment file:


Replacing RefreshRate and Output with the refresh rate of your monitor and the name of the output port for your high refresh rate monitor (find using xrandr)

I think there is also something about disabling flipping in the Nvidia settings but I can’t find where I read that sadly so just try and poke around in the nvidia settings and see if you can find anything related to disabling flipping.

Note: Make sure to reboot after both the changes to /etc/environment and after changes to nvidia settings.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Make a thread of your own. The solution is simple really but I don’t want to hijack this one.

Edit: Ugh, sorry for a semi-necro bump, I did not notice this was more than a month old

Just to add my 2cents:
I am running AMD R9 390 with amdgpu driver with xfce. (no wayland)
Per-monitor refresh rates work. I have 2 4k monitors connected but unfortunately this card can do 4k@60 only with DP, the second monitor is connected to HDMI running 4k@30.
It is super-noticeable.
I see the difference wile moving a cursor, windows, playing videos, running UFO test, etc. This is both with or without compositor enabled.

the only non-default/non-automatic X-config I have is this:

Section "Device"
	Identifier "AMD"
	Driver "amdgpu"
	Option "TearFree" "true"

my current kernel is 5.7.11-arch

So I would agree that this is not an intrinsic X or AMD issue.
misconfiguration/distro/gnome fault is more likely.


its alright if its pertinent to a solution.

Semi necro bumps welcome! (but full necro bump is better, of course)