GMO, Gluten low/free and organic foods

They really need too work on catagorizing different types of GMOs, it's way to generalized at the moment. At the moment I'm extremely for and against GMOs due to how broad of a subject it is.

As for diet, I eat a mostly the highest carb/gluten/calorie foods that I can afford and find.

Yeah I'm also in the middle with GMO. I feel like there's a problem these days because people are misusing the techniques. Genetic modification is a tool, and like any other tool, it can be used for good or for evil.

Also I agree with finding the highest carb and calorie foods. The calories from carbs feed our brains pretty well so we can get through the day without feeling too brain-dead.

I generally wouldn't focus on vegetables and fruits and instead eat a balance of starch, veg, and fruits because there are special benefits of eating different types of foods. Starches generally don't have a super high glycemic index to cause hypoglycemia after the sugar spike but I'm not really sure about potatoes and white rice. The danger of eating foods that cause sugar spike is the resulting sugar drop which can lead to cravings and lethargy. I would suggest avoiding eating foods high on the glycemic index in conjunction with animal protein since the resulting sugar spike from eating both will be greater than eating the high glycemic index food on its own.

I wouldn't suggest avoiding gluten unless you actually do better without gluten. It seems that gluten sensitivity problem is something recent so there's something in our environment causing reaction in some people. I have some guesses on the cause but it's nothing solid.

Oh and I applaud you for striving to end process food intake. Processed foods barely contain anything nutritious as it becomes more processed. It's best to get your nutrients from whole foods so you get the entire packaged deal. Also make sure you center your meals around plant foods because they have short term and long term benefits you just can't miss. Save the animal protein as some sort of flavoring.

For drinks, water is best. There are studies showing benefits in cognition from drinking water. I think there was a study showing actual shrinkage in brain size in people who deprive themselves of water. Drinking water will also ease up your liver and your kidneys ( although you will have to use the restroom more often). I drink about 3L of water a day myself. It clears up my mind during lectures so I can focus better.

Sorry if this is too long

I'm not into losing weight at all. I do happen to drink a lot of water through out the day. I just want to be rid of all of the GMOs, fructose corn syrup and all of the other bullshit. I'm just certainly asking for brands of food that does not have any of the GMOs and fructose corn syrup. I'll be keeping my eyes open for farmers markets in my area and food shops. I'll be looking a lot at my work to

If you don't have bloody shits, gluten free is not for you. Gluten is a protien found in wheats and grains that is actually good for you. if you want to lose weight by only diet alone, then lower your caloric intake. There is a good /r/losit. But yeah, eat 5 small meals a day. And by meal I mean an orange or a salad or a chicken breast that's baked. Drink water and tea, stay away from refined sugar.

And go outside and be active. Or stay inside and do jumping jacks, pushups, and situps in between Counterstrike matches like I do.
Even just taking a 5 minute jog around the back yard 10 times. None of that esoteric gluten free atkins garbage is good for you.
And your body does need cards.
Good carbs.
Potatoes and beans are great carbs and protein and starch.

Dasaniyum has some good points and yeah 2-3L of water a day will keep your body healthy. It also helps curb apetite.

Explain to me, what's your problem with GMOs?

To me it is pretty simple. If I wouldn't want to eat it raw. I don't want to eat it. That is my personal yardstick and it works for me.

Oh and if you want some sort of guideline for good health, I recommend this:

In addition to this, I would recommend avoiding processed meats entirely. Processed meats are the most carcinogenic out of all the meats and are most associated with poor cardiovascular health.

For fish intake, I would stay away from fishes that are high on mercury. It's just not worth eating. I think fishes like sardines and anchovies are low in mercury.

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Companies like Monsanto is why I hate GMO's. Many studies have shown that genetically modified foods aren't as healthy as organically grown foods. Plus the genetically modified foods have a lot of artificial chemicals that can be toxic for the human body.

I'm just going to leave this here:

A decade of EU-funded GMO research
(2001 - 2010) .pdf, 268 pages

excerpt from page 16:

The main conclusion to be drawn from the efforts of more than 130 research
projects, covering a period of more than 25 years of research,
and involving more than 500 independent research groups, is
that biotechnology, and in particular GMOs, are not per se
more risky than e.g. conventional plant breeding technologies.

Save the planet, eat GMOs.

I was trying to search for roundup on the pdf and I couldn't find much research done on it. In terms of GMOs, they are safe. I'm not sure what the situation is with GMOs in the EU but in America, roundup is potentially the most toxic pesticide out there to humans and crops are being sprayed with the stuff left and right.

I'm not sure how Roundup relates to GMOs. It's made my Monsanto, and that's about it.

You can be against Monsanto and for GMOs, they're not synonymous.

Well is it or isn't it?

Save the planet, stop breeding so fucking much!

I'm guessing, by saying per se (in itself), they mean that there isn't a negative impact from consumption of GMOs, but the GMO specific fertilisers (and levels of) used in production are the problem.

Could be. With the amount of money at stake I am unlikely to trust anything coming out of the EU to begin with. EU is international corporations wagging tail and anything they touch is instantly dirtied. Especially science. They are the same dingbats who want to put so restrictive rules on vape equipment and juices that it will become de facto illegal unless you can fork over a fortune for the right to sell it. For the good of public health of course. Meaning that the only ones who will be able to put anything on the market is the tobacco industry and medicinal industry. Coincidentally the same two industries that are loosing billions to this new fad. The tobacco industry have their own shitty one use e-cigs ready and the medicinal industry have sold "smoking aides" for two decades and it has been proven over and over that the only thing they do, is making your wallet lighter.

The EU wanted to force GMO's though by force of law, but the consumers in Europe gave it a resounding middle finger salute to a degree that monsatan pulled out from the market entirely. Basf, Bayer and Syngenta gave up years ago.

Edit to add. What comes of as very suspicious is that we would allow it where I live on the condition that foods containing GMO's was labelled as such. The companies in question first fought it and then gave up on even trying. Does that sound like something someone sincere would do?


What are you going on about? EU has one of the strictest GMO regulations there are.

Sorry to say but everything you posted sounds like nonsense and FUD, please come back with sources.

I bet you can use google just as well as I can. Try "electronic cigarette" and pick wikipedia for a starting point.

As for GMO's try "GMO animal feed EU". If you can't sell it directly to the consumer, do it by proxy and feed it to the animals and fight tooth and nail over labelling meat from said animals.

Happy reading. There's a lot to go though.