Giving Away a Few Wild Star Beta Keys

Just as the title says I got 2 emails for invites to the Wild Star beta session this weekend. Any takers?

2 keys for North America Servers

1 key for Europe Servers.

Here's a little part of the email:

Following the directions below, you'll be able to redeem your key and start downloading the client immediately. Servers will be open Friday April 25 at 7:00am PDT and will closeon Sunday April 27 at 11:59pm PDT. See you on Nexus!



Wow not a lot of interest for this game.

I'll just post the rest of the keys on reddit

add me on steam overlord and I'll shoot ya that code dude.


I'll try it out. I'm sure pistol has been wanting to play wildstar

I would love to have one if you haven't given them away by now!


NA as well

id like one for NA

I got 1 left

3J8X-GYC3-QUE3-WXM3-UK5S (NA Server)