They already screwed it up, your telling me that Hollywood could not find an attractive Japanese woman who spoke English to play the part? What next Bruce Willis as Batou and Christopher Walken as Aramaki?
That made me lol. I don't know but only time will tell. The last live action movie from an anime I saw was complete doo doo. It was the Dragonball one and I NEVER got sucked into the universe.
I've seen way to many shitty live-action adaptation of manga where the characters had to look exactly like the characters in the manga, so I don't mind in the least bit if they hire actors with talent versus actors with the looks. I don't get the mentality of Japanese people thinking that in order to be adapted into another medium, it everything has to be photo for photo a replica.
I think, for me at least, it is not solely the choice of actor/actress. The problem comes with their unsuitable acting style and the tendency to over do AAA western movies these days and turn them all into action movies. Movies form the rest of the worlds tend, but not always, to be a little more reserved and stylised. Capture more of the direction of the original medium and don't just shoe horn in huge explosions because hurr durr stupid audience needs action.
I would like to see a decent story put in this and to get some good guidance on the original styling, but Hollywood cares not for history or accuracy. That is what is, so strongly, putting me off this movie. I do not want a one to one remake in live action but a faithful addition to the series and fitting with the story and history behind it.
It's not all the bad as you make it, for movies anyway. Consider the fact that trying to cram all those pages in a 2-3hr movie is a tall order, and I think Hollywood has done more than a couple right. (These are at the top of my head:Avengers, Iron Man, LOTR, & Dark Knight). Even the people that made the source themselves realize this challenge, (i.e. The author of Akira pretty much had a hand in the Anime film and a lot of the character development was thrown out the window in favor of past pace).
Thats funny as when I was thinking of the overdone action explosion movies I was thinking of Avengers, Iron Man and Dark Knight type movies. Don't get me wrong I like them but I like them because I expect them I to be huge explosion focused action movies.
And you can go gripping fast pace movies with out this stuff, UK action movies are a perfect example very dark, gritty and intelligent in plot but not big on the use or gratuitous explosion and cheesy one lines and people walking away with out looking at/blinking when things get shot or explode. :Lots of fast action but it feels suited to the environment. It feels natural, unlike Superman where he saves the city, all three remaining buildings of it.
Basically, and this sounds strange even in my head, I don't want them to over produce the movie. Which is strange because GITS was was heavy on the CGI and "expensive" visuals scenes. But the suited the setting.
It is going to interesting to see how they land Section 9 in New York or LA or insert typical american metropolis here. It will be out of character. I get the feeling instead of the futuristic cars (ignore the ford GT) in the anime they will all be driving Chevys or Dodges and drinking pepsi at the diner after a successful mission.
I hope it does not end up this way but it is so easy so just cheese out a movie like this.
The plot will most likely be in line with Hannah, La Colombiana and Lucy. That they are going to change the location to LA or N.Y. is a given but don't call it a GITS movie.
I think ever since Micheal Bay, there's this whole snobbery culture about explosions. That's what's happening here. Guess, what? There's a lot of explosions in the anime (GITS) show too. I'd be damn if there's no android limbs exploding from bullet impact, or hacked military drones going on a rampage in the city.
Yup that's exactly what's happening. His movies while fun to watch are just so bad and cheesy.
Yes there are lots of explosions in GITS, full war zones in some cases, but like I was saying they are stylised and fitting to the situation. Rather than:
Generic Rugged Man: Walk out of diner, surveys horizon, epic camera sweep. Turns to Ditsy Female Costar.
DTS: I know something just does not feel right.
GRM: no it is not that, today is just an important day... Bulshit reason.
DTS: what happened?
Before time to.explain the diner they were just in for no reason explodes in the biggest most spectacular way possible. Turns out the diner was an underground fuel smuggling ring... Right.
That is an overly stupid example I made up that always seems to happen somehow.
So you admit that you have an inherit bias that stem out of distaste of Michael Bay that it affects your judgement on other movies to the point where even a tiny firecracker would make you cry foul?
Some update I found and it somewhat made me cry a little inside.........
Rupert Sanders is the director with Avi Arad and Steven Paul. Info here
Rupert did the Halo 3: ODST ads (never watched them) and his first film became a major hit. A budget of $170 million and a gross of $396 million. I am still split on this but only time will tell. From the looks of it though they are not fans of the anime. Maybe Avi but who knows.