now this is something I made last Thanksgiving or Christmas, can't remember I made a lot of crazy stuff that year, anyway point is every person thats tried it no matter what their opinion was prior, loved it after they tried it, so that leaves me to believe I've either A. successfully made a brain washing cheesecake or B. a pretty weird but tasty cake. anyway here's all you need
- box-o-cheesecake mix+milk or whatever else it requires
- oreo pie crust, make it yourself or buy it, I don't care
- lemon pie topping/filling
its a pretty simple process, you make the cheese cake mix, put it on the crust, put the lemon stuff on top and put it in the fridge for the required time and blackmail your friends and family into eating this tasty abomination
it is weird as hell, but, It Does taste awesome
I'll post a picture when I'm done
here's some of my other recipes