Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master battery issues

I recently watched Buildzoid’s X570 roundup and he mentioned that some of these boards have am issue where they are unable to boot after a while and only removing the CMOS battery for a while solves this.

Also see here:

In the thread on the Gigabyte forum, a user argues that a non-VESA certified cable was causing this issue, so it’s not Gigabyte’s fault.

Given the fact that I’ve recently purchased this board I’m wondering if I will also run into this issue. Are people here on this forum having this problem? Is there anything concrete we know or any response from Gigabyte?

I’m also thinking if this is something @wendell could have a look at. As far as I can remember he also investigated the Enermax gunk buildup thing.

Anyway, any thoughts and inputs are appreciated :smiley:

It am not going to investigate this issue, but indeed it can be possible. I never experienced issues like these myself but for example I have read several times about people having power issues because of usb devices with an active power connection like active usb hubs for example. The PCs in these cases would not power down properly or have other weird behaviour like random shutdown. Unfortunately SPECs in the end-consumer market sometimes lack safeguards to avoid these things or are just not included since they are still a tiny cost factor. Bad engineering can also play a role. So from just reading the headlines of your articles it would put these things in the realm of the possible.

I have a similar mainboard and in normal use I have not experiences issues like that. In any case I have made the experience that the Gigabyte support is knowledgeable and in general very helpful. So if you are really interested in this topic I would just write them and ask them if they can tell you more, or if this has been fixed or if there are UEFI settings to avoid this issue.

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Interesting :thinking:. That’s the first time I’ve heard of this, thanks for pointing that out :slight_smile:

I’ve just created a ticket and I will update this thread with their answer.

Just be aware they take their time. I had questions where they probably needed to ask the developers and it took about a week. However the answer was on point.

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I have an x570 master and ran into this exact problem. It would recur weekly and sometimes daily. I came to suspect the PSU after I found those forum posts, and upgraded from the evga 650 nexg I had to a supernova 750, and I haven’t run into this problem again since. ymmv

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How long did you have the board until the issue occured? Aside from the obvious 100W, are the PSUs any different (gold, platinum…)?

@anon89476829: They sure do…ticket status is still new and not processed. Then again, currently most people are probably still on vacation.

It showed up within 2-6 weeks of running the board. I don’t remember exactly. They’re both gold PSUs, but I did read some negative reviews about the nexg line stability while looking for replacements, so take that for what you will. The supernova line has a better reputation.

Ok, Gigabyte answered with the following statement:

To be honest, I’m not very happy with the answer because it only partially addresses the behaviour mentioned by other people. I assume the problem is more complicated to really narrow it down, or it might be an error that is not easily fixable.

You’re right, the answer isn’t particularly satisfying. Maybe they really don’t know themselfs and can’t admit it. From my experience the development of the EFI Firmware for the boards after AMD handing out the AGESA is anything but state of the art. I mean there are so many things there that seem wrong, like EFI options that are not explained and nowhere documented or don’t let you PC boot when set or when set in combination with other options.

To be honest I do not know what to add to this topic. My Aorus Pro works and probably most people’s Aorus Masters as well. I guess just use your board and if the issue should occur return it under warrenty and get another model or brand. It is not an open-source product so as long as Gigabyte can’t help it’s just guessing for us. Some issues in end-consumer products are just not worth investigating.

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