Good day,
I’m having an issue with my motherboard WRX80 with 3975WX im using it as my unraid server, i noticed my BMC LED is always blinking orange and i cant access it, is there anyways i can access it ?thanks in advance
Good day,
I’m having an issue with my motherboard WRX80 with 3975WX im using it as my unraid server, i noticed my BMC LED is always blinking orange and i cant access it, is there anyways i can access it ?thanks in advance
I do not have exp with IPMI-enabled products other than dell servers. However:
ipmitool lan print
should output BMC’s ip config.been reading the manual before and after i post but it only said about green light so im not sure whats the issue
Has ipmi ever worked on machine? I had Gigabyte board with Xeon cpu. The ipmi would every once in while stop working. Had to remove power to power supply to get it to work again. Seems like it would happen every 9-12 month
yeah ive read about this…
ive access it a few times before im actually want to update the bios but when im trying to access it cant really access it and when i check and see the motherboard the BMC LED is blinking orange
Got it to work now. been bouncing around with http and https on the address bar just to make it work/access the IPMI. not sure why sometimes just typing the IP address works and sometimes i have to add HTTPS before i type the IP totally no idea.