I've been noticing a bunch of weird issues with my build lately. I did my first build back in January. It's an ITX build, and I think I did a pretty damn fine job, considering that I'd never done this before. But there have been some strange, seemingly random occurrences recently.
Here's what I've got:
Intel i5 4670
Corsair Vengeance 8GB, DDR3-1600
Western Digital Green 1TB
Samsung EVO 250GB (with the OS, and most of my games installed here)
I used to have a GTX 770 in here, but I sold it since I'm not playing much these days because of school. The PS is a SeaSonic 660W 80+ Platinum.
Anyway, the first issue I had with the computer was installing Windows 7 on the SSD. I had to fool around with the drive format or something. It was a hassle. All I remember was that the Windows installation wouldn't let me install to the SSD.
I've had a few weird, seemingly isolated issues since then. It should be noted that I'm not super savvy. I know how to figure stuff out, but I'm not really great at actually diagnosing issues.
Here are the issues:
After noticing that my computer had been waking itself from sleep, I changed it so my ethernet couldn't wake the computer, but that hasn't helped. Every once in a while this happens, and I can't figure out for the life of me why it happens (I disconnected the wifi antenna, and the wifi a while back, since I'm using ethernet).
Every once in a while, when waking the computer from sleep, the computer will instead restart into a safe boot menu.
A few times now, my computer has randomly blue-screened. As far as I can tell, this has never happened after an update or anything else. It seems random.
And the windows message center has been giving me those messages saying that there's a solution available for the computer not having shut down correctly, but then won't connect when I ask it to search for the solution. I've always hated the windows action center...
Finally, and this is the most frustrating, starting about three weeks ago my computer sometimes won't power my mouse and keyboard and USB audio interface when I'm hard booting. I'll be able to use my keyboard in the safe boot menu, but once Windows loads, the keyboard will stop working, as well as the mouse. Sometimes their lights are on, sometimes off. I end up having to use the case's restart button, and unplugging the USB connections until Windows loads, and this always works.
When I looked this up, people mentioned that it could be the motherboard in the throes of death. I saw a lot of people saying that this issue was common with Gigabyte motherboards. People suggested unplugging the power cable from the power supply for a few hours, to drain the CMOS battery. I tried that, and the computer hard booted okay, but the issue promptly returned every time I shut the computer down all the way.
Thanks for taking the time to read the entire thread. Any advice or help is greatly appreciated!