380 is a full fledged Tonga XT GPU, supporting up to 4GB GDDR5. The G1 however will be putting a Windforce 2X cooler that has 0db fan mode and LED as well. Though not stated, it is safe to assume that G1 cards will be highly binned so one will have to pay slightly more for better overclocking.
I have close to zero experience with Gigabyte's 2X cooler, I know their 3X are very good able to dissipate up to 450-600W of heat. Can't wait to see its performance in terms of heat and noise compared to other brands as well.
Anytime I see a WCCFTECH link I'm reminded of the Family Guy episode where Lois and Brian were discussing Fox News, "Even things that are true become lies once they appear on Fox News" (paraphrase.) /end-rant
I'm skeptical of a lot of these specs. Standard 8gb's of memory on the 390x and 390? That would look bad compared to the Fiji and Fiji XT cards which we know will be 4gb limited due to the limitations of hbm gen 1 memory. What about a 370x? The 270x rebranded as a 370 makes a lot of sense in this setup, but that leaves a completely unfilled 370x spot.
I said that from the very beginning when people were yelling at me when i kept saying that these rumors aren't rumors, they are going to happen. most of the stuff they wrote made sense. and funny enough later turned out to be true.
Even back then when people kept saying there weren't going to be re-brands. AMD doesn't have the money like that, and why kill of Hawaii & Tonga? they are new and they still do fairly well.
Looking at the R9 285 ITX, it should be possible. More powerful than r9 290? I doubt so, but a full fledge Tonga is something that can succeed the legacy of Tahiti, hopefully will be 7970 all over again.
The thing is, it is extremely disappointing to see a rebrand when green team has all out on new architecture. I can understand Tonga's rebrand as it is new and has potential.
But Hawaii, yes it is new, but what performance we should be expecting from this rebrand? It'll just be as good as a R9 290X, powerful, but super inefficient. Unlocked Hawaii? Just how much more you can unlock from an inefficient GPU?
Well AMD doesn't have money like that, clearly we know this. AMD hasn't truly been considered competition roughly since around 2009-ish. 2016 is where AMD may shine, cause they have the R9-300 series out. and the Zen Archtiecture, which is meant to compete against current i5s and i7s. AMD needs to start taking the market back for them to start releasing a whole new set of graphics cards every year.
I don't agree with that haven't been competition statement. May be not in units sold but when nvidia just had the 700 series, AMD's offerings were faster and cheaper at every price point where they competed. Only gap was at the super high end with the 780 Ti
I'm not saying their graphics cards were bad, I own a 290, I love it. but I'm just referring to just overall competition as a whole company, AMD hasn't done anything ground-breaking that raddled Intels feathers in years. and when it comes to Nvidia, AMD destroys Nvidia when AMD launches their cards, then the x80ti card comes, it destroys AMDs flagship, and then Nvidias other cards drop in price a bit. what i want to see is AMD actually put Nvidia in a corner. i want the Fiji XT card to not compete with the 980ti, but overall destroy it in all angles.
I don't think it will do well against the 970, unless AMD brings some unicorn like overclocking to Tonga. it didn't even beat the 280x/7970 when it existed as a 285. and now it's meant to compete with the 970? only time will tell.
stream processors don't mean anything. the stream processors all they really do is make it easier for the graphics card hardware and software to really talk to each other.
It makes sense in the old way of thinking. But that's isnt how it works now. AMD doesn't want to be "budget" anymore so they are doing what nvidia is doing. Reserve the best for the uber expensive "Titan" model in this case "Radeon Fury" and everyone else gets to eat a bag of dicks. My only hope is they then release a 390 XL or whatever that is almost as fast as the "Fury" for $300 less.
true, but at the same time i wouldn't doubt it. and the only reason i say that is strictly because of that "R9-380" Gigabyte picture. Hawaii had a massive die, and the card was long as hell, that Windforce card couldn't possibly be for a Hawaii re-brand, cause i don't think those two fans would cool it properly.