Well, I have been wanting to do this for a while now. Here is the current parts list:
Started back when I found some Old Dell Optiplex SFF at a yard sale and picked a couple up for $10 each.
I had tried making the HTPC from that case but it wasn't going to cut it since the darn thing was so heavy and a pain to work in. Not to mention loud.
Eventually I end up finding this Zotac motherboard on eBay for around $25. The RAM was salvaged from the Dell Optiplex's so unfortunately there is onle 2GB of RAM.
It enough though I am just streaming to the device.
I had first attempted to use OpenELEC to manage everything. I quite like the Kodi interface.
First I was using packages such as the NetfliXMBC to connect to Netflix but I would end up with script errors every time.
Even with the Chrome Launcher in Kiosk mode, I was unable to get Netflix streaming or any other streaming service.
So, I defaulted on Windows 8 and installed a 32 bit to be less of a load on the system.
Still using Kodi, as I like the interface. I am able to get the Chrome Launcher working properly! Yay!
Towards the beginning I was using an old Seagate drive that I had salvaged from a friend of mine's long out of commissioned DVR. It was a whopping 160GB IDE drive and damn, was it slow.
The maximum I ever seen it draw was around 60MBps so that had to go.
I then purchased a Sandisk 120GB SSD and installed windows again as the cloning software kept failing.
As you can see from the hard drive caddy there is my horrible craftsmanship from grinding it down to accommodate an IDE to SATA converter.
Once that was settled I decided the Intel Graphics from 2007 are not going to cut it so I picked up a GT 730.
Its absolutely silent even under load.
The only problem was that this case does not have a single slot for a half height card, so, I got my grinder out yet again.
Its not as pretty as I pictured it would be, but it works perfectly. I removed the PCI-E slot cover from the graphics card and secured the screws into the case.
There is no clearance issues with either.
As for the SSD, I had to remove the HDD caddy or it would interfere with the GT 730.
Velcro like material works just fine!
Unfortunately the Big Shuriken and the NF-F12 will not fit in the case as I wanted them too so grinding once more is the answer.
I wish to find a shroud to cover it up, but I am in no rush to do so.
That's it for now. Perhaps later on I will try OpenELEC again but as of now I am going to stick with windows.
Thank you for moving the post to the correct category, I was not entirely sure since I have never done such a post before.