Post pictures of homemade bread here (must be made by you/no stock images). This topic may be against the grain in a tech forum, but nonetheless I am bready to see some nice loaves.
Apple cinnamon almond sourdough.
Just made some more bread this morning, but didn’t take pictures.
My lord, it’s amazing
If OP wants it in off topic that’s fine. But I can move it to the food and drink section as well.
You can move it, I don’t mind. It doesn’t knead to be in off-topic.
Are you trying to get a rise out of me?
Maybe … is it working dough?
do you guys really knead to do this?
or do we stop at a dozen puns
… The baker will another one [as incentive]
I made a simple soda bread a while back. It tastes nice and is very buttery but falls apart easily. Best use case is for dipping in soup, imo; but haven’t made it again.
EDIT: I followed this recipe World's best No Yeast Bread - Irish Soda Bread | RecipeTin Eats. Mine does not look as nice as hers haha.
The wifey made some quick sourdough bread last night. Will try to get a picture soon.
So jelly of y’all! I need to learn to do this
best use case is straight out the oven, let it rest till warm.
slice and spread with a slightly salted 100% butter from grass fed cows.
its not to hard to make bread mate.
it just takes a bit of time for things like the yeast, kneading and rising.
so not that easy to do other things while making it, and why most no-longer do it.
still if you wanna… the internet is your friend… GO FOR IT!.
1 tip though knead by hand if you want a rustic loaf…
if you use a machine the air? bubbles become to consistent in size changing the final texture of the bread.
It’s actually easier to do other stuff if you use a starter instead of commercial bakers yeast. There’s more downtime since the proofing cycles take longer(~3 hours instead of 1, depending on the temperature of your kitchen), and you can also just pop it in the fridge overnight and then bake it the next morning if needed kneaded.
I wish I had the patience for this process haha. I always make quick breads like soda bread or beer bread because I don’t like fooling with the kneading. My husband makes sourdough on the regular though.
L1 sourdough culture on the store, when? Lol
I tried making one from crab apple peels last summer. I got one weak little loaf out of it and then gave up.