Im 14 and a freshman in high school and one day in my java class there was a sub and i was working on a paper about Linus Torvalds, so i though to myself why not boot into Linux of my Linux Live flash drive and while i was in there i deleted system 32 of the system and this kid Logan told the principle and they brought me down to the office and the it guy was there and he had found batch files on my account on the school network that opened cmd and one that made a admin account on the local system. Besides deleting system 32 did i really do anything wrong. They said that by booting into the flash drive that i was hacking. But hacking is just using something in a way that it wasn't intended for. Your going to tell me that computers are not supposed to run operating systems. He claimed that by booting into the flash drive that i was giving myself greater than admin powers and was unmasking the ip. Apparently he has never herd of websites like ip chicken. So since the assistant principle didn't know what the fuck he was talking about he only gave me a day of in school suspension and my computer log on taken down for 4 weeks so that i couldn't do it again . I tried explaining to him that i didn't even log in to do this. I was just trying to help and be a white hat so i could tell them about flaws in there system. But then me and my friend got the bright idea to delete system 32. They said i was in violation of the code of conduct that i sighed to even be able to go on the computers, but i never sighed it and they got even more mad at that. My question is did i do any thing wrong (besides deleting system 32) because i didnt violate the code of conduct because i never sighed it. Sorry for suck a long post.
Update: I wasn't the one who actually deleted the files. There was this kid Brian who was behind me and i was looking through the files and i was looking at the system32 files for whatever reason and he quickly reached over and pressed Ctrl+A and then delete. It wasn't my fault i just wanted to see people reaction to if i actually did do that. So all i did was boot into Linux was that wrong too?