@SgtAwesomesauce@w.meri, two very astute and respectable moderators, asked that I make a thread about this.
How do you turn Linux on?
I don’t mean simply pressing the power button. That would be too easy. How do you create a device to actually run Linux. An ATM Machine, a Raspberry Pi (devices that are soo good they never fail), or an Arduino. What about hacking an old PS3 to do/run something else?
Anyone here into building and developing for hardware or embedded systems? How did you start? What pieces and parts do you recommend? Is there a kit?
I fiddeled abit with it in my last job, not really an expert or anything.
But mainly it is about compiling to the correct cpu architechture, other then that it is about how the device starts up, what files does it read.
obviously theres more to it then that, like driver software etc etc.
if you’re into it id try looking into yocto linux, it is a rough ride to get started and learning, but you can essentially make/build your own distro, and compile for both X86, Raspberry pi etc etc,
“hacking” playstations, and so on, is a whole other discipline, where you abuse the OS to do other things, Sony and M$ really go out of the way to lock down what is essentially a cheap X86_64 desktop computer.