Getting into IT

Hello Logan and company,

Long story short, my college education was cut short when the vocational school I attend cut the program I am going for and now have to seek out another career path. I already have several thousand dollars in debt from student loans and really have lost all faith in higher education. Do you think that getting certs from CompTIA like A+, Server+, Linux+, etc. would be a good stepping stone into an IT job without spending $20k+ on a piece of paper that says 'Hey look, I can put RAM in my motherboard!' Or is a 2/4 year degree really the only way into the field?

Certs go a long way, I know people in high level positions who just have 20+ certs. 

i hope you dont mind other feedback :)  I have a degree in applied science with a focus in network administration and I have an A+ Sec+ and MCP certs and I can tell you that when I apply for jobs no one seems to care a whole lot about my $46K education that I got (not that it doesnt help) but they in fact tend to be more interested in and ask more questions about my certs and always want to know if I have my CCNA. I really should break down and get that but Ive had the same job for the last 8 years so Ive been lazy :P Ive often thought (everytime Im writing out a check to Sallie Mae for my student loans) that I wish Id have skipped the expensive degree and just focused more on certs. That being said having both really is better I think in the long run but if youre only gonna focus on one Id focus on certs. just my .02