Getting in to low lvl 4k?

Ok so i have a set up all ready that isnt 4k ready all my mates going on how the playing at 4k on 1080s. See im poor and carnt afford a brand new gpu. Would going sli with my monster 980ti bring me in to the realm of for 4k for a lower cost. Heres my part pickers the stuff i was thinking of has price what do people think will it do.

You could definitely play 4k on that setup, although I would look for a larger 4k screen. The 27/28 inch screen size is usually best for 1440p as at 4k on that size panel, text is so small that its hard to read. Then employing any scaling would negate the benefit. 40-ish inches is usually what's seen as the 4k sweet spot :3

Think my wife would kill me if i fot 40 inch screen. I can all ways turn its down to 1440 if its to small. But wana be able to i can if you know what i mean tired of 1080p now lol

Your best off grabbing a 1440p screen if you want to keep it 27/28 inch, 4k is going to be one hell of an eyestrain at that size :P The problem with playing 1440p on a 4k screen is that the pixel ratio of sorts is way off, meaning that it doesn't downscale properly. 1080 on a 4k works great because when you play 1080p on a 4k monitor, it works out perfectly to every square group of 4-4k pixels to 1 1080p pixels. So you don't get any blurry lines or weird problems, whereas 1440p doesn't work out so nicely.

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if you want a big 4k on the cheap

their's supposedly 6.5 ms lag and it's not 4:4:4 but 60hz 4k. should be fine for most games, but i wouldnt play cs on it.

As i sit only 2ft from the screen so i would be moveing my head round all the time. And the wife would kill me if i went that big

bit weird, but if you go 32 in it will cost you double. everything im findind is 400-3k

I recently got the Crossover 324k monitor Wendell reviewed, and a 1070. Doom still does 4k well on high for me 50-60fps with fast sync, but I see you've already purchased one 980ti. I LOVE the 324k btw.

As he said basically.

I'm going to have one of these show up at my door in the next day or two, ordered it a few days ago, heard good things about it. Not sure where the 6.5ms latency came from though, source?

Sceptre claims it's 4:4:4 in some of their review responses but tests I hear prove otherwise, I'll probably call them to see if I can get more details on that claim.

1440p is a sweet spot though for any setup, a nice 27" monitor.
the official website says 6.5 but that could be bullshit

It typically is, most good 4k TV's for gaming run more realistically like 28ms, which is completely playable, it won't be 144hz TN competition grade but it will get you by in most shooters. I'm predicting this will be in the more sluggish 30-40ms range after tuning, but for $230 it's almost hard to complain, we'll see how good it is when I receive it, I don't have any high 120fps cameras or any real equipment to test with, all I can do is compare it to a single input TN monitor.

They also claim it's RGB, not RGBW, which is a very bold claim on a $230 4k TV.

Maybe when @wendell gets things sorted out he might want to check one out?