Getting IIS website accessible from the internet?

I am trying to set up a website and also get owncloud set up for others.


I got everything I know off set up, port forwarding php, mysql-


but how to I get it to work from the web? Am I missing something?


I am using port 2456, I have other stuff accessible from the web using different software (which I HATE) using port 2458...


Are there settings I am missing? I have never used IIS before and have been following random documentationuntil now.


OS: Windows 8 Pro x64

IIS Ver: IIS 6.2

Is the web server listening for HTTP GET requests on port 2456, or is this for management?

I'm not sure what you mean-


I went to the site and binded it to the port.

How would I set it to do so?

It works fine on my local network.

So you've got your 'site set up, what port is it listening on (which port is it bound to)? Is your port forwarding set up correctly (are you forwarding the correct port traffic to the correct IP address?).

as stated in the first post-

I have it bound to 2458 and have set port forwarding on my router


is there perhaps a setting I may be missing?

Okay! I fixed it. (sort of)


I had set windows firewall to allow World Wide Web Services(HTTP)

but for some odd reason that didn't work, so I disabled it all together.

When you set the Windows firewall to allow World Wide Web Services, it allows ports 80 and 443. You'd need a custom rule to allow port 2345. What's your reason, anyway, for not using port 80 for your web server?

*face desk*

oops, Thank you for that.

I can't use port 80 as it is currently blocked by my ISP, I would have preferred port 80 otherwise.