Getting essential programs & updating. | [Skype, Steam, Java, etc.]

Hello Linux Tek members, today ill be sharing information to help those of you who are new to linux and coming from windows. This will be geared towards the Ubuntu users. Bear with me with that horriable format of my post haha.

Now to start out, we will kick it off by talking about Terminal.

Terminal (Console):

Is a command line only interface for your GUI, used for running well, text based commands. This can be used to do just about everything, including but not limited to; Installing software, updating software, making files and folders, editing files, setting permissions, etc.

Installing Software/Updating:

Terminal: First we will start with installing some software using terminal, this is the most useful way since this will usually grab all dependencies needed for the program you're installing.

So lets open Terminal, Press "Ctrl + Alt + T", or by searching your apps and launching it.
It will look like this.

Now lets check for updates first by entering the following command.

sudo apt-get update

You will be prompted to enter your password, do so this will allow it to retrieve the new list of packages, once done we enter,

sudo apt-get upgrade

if their are updates you will be asked to enter "y" or "n", press y and hit enter. This will perform and upgrade or applications and such. Next we will check for Distribution updates (System updates)

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

I check updates just about daily.

Now that we have checked updates, lets install Java.
Check if its not already installed with.

java -version

If you have it installed you will get something like this.

>java version "1.7.0_75"
>OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.4) (7u75-2.5.4-1~trusty1)
>OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)

If not then lets install it with

sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install default-jdk  <--- For the JDK

Once done you are java use ready!

Now you can use "sudo apt-get install" to install anything from the repositories you have. Such as steam.

sudo apt-get install steam

Its that simple.

Now you may be asking, "What's a repository?".

Its an area where data is stored and managed for such programs like steam, usually used for automated installation of programs instead of building the source your self. Now you can add different Repo's from different sites for all kinds of different software, but be careful, their could be malicious code, just like a virus.

Installing .deb packages (Skype for example)

Head over to and download the package for your distro. For 14.04 you will need 12.04 (multiarch).

Once downloaded you simple double click to open it, it will have an option to the right saying "Install" and "Skype..." along with some info below. Click install, enter your password, once its done it should be with the rest of your programs.

Some other programs

Anti-Virus - ClamAV®

sudo apt-get install clamav



sudo apt-get install gufw



sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kirillshkrogalev/ffmpeg-next
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg obs-studio

In OBS we added a repo that has a compiled version of OBS, as well as a dependency it needed.

Any other programs that you find hard to install, just ask and I'll try my hardest to get a tutorial up of some kind.


Awesome guide man!

As a little tidbit, for those of you having issue installing Steam on Debian Wheezy (If you're crazy like me), this little tool worked great.

Also, if you're able to, you should go into detail of how to install the AMD Catalyst and official nVidia drivers.

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I was thinking about it, I my self dont have a nVidia card I Could use to mess with but I can at least try my best at it, and thanks!

I have and nvidia card which I wouldn't mind demonstrating with, so if you do and Catalyst guide, I'll follow suit with an nVidia one.

Sounds like an exelent idea!