Because the locker was a flop I have been digging for hardware on craigslist. I found a mac pro a guy has been trying to sell for a few months now and has not succeeded. For the moment it will be for my mother until a n arrangement can be made that I can have it. Since I have lost faith in the motherboards getting here this mac pro will be my ticket back in. Eventually if the dual xeon box I am using isn't actually dying (had some issues the other day but they seem to have disappeared) then my mother will probably have that and I will slot myself to the mac.
After I have the thing I will report back.
I know it has 16 gb ddr2, a 250 gb hdd, and dual xeons (most likely 4 core). Knowing that I can use HT and get 6 cor xeons in this thing it will be an interesting thing to see.
Well I have the fucking thing now, but I dunno what to do with it at the moment. No wifi installed and I don't think I have any spare wifi antennas unless I can figure out how to get the ones out of my spare imac.
So specs: 2 X 2.66 Dual Core 5150 Xeons 16 GB DDR2 Ram (PC2 5300F???? WHAT THE FUCK IS F?????) 1 X 250 GB sata 3 HDD THOUGH I will be slotting my drives into it (SSD and 1 TB HDD) ATi X1900 XT which apparently for some retarded reason I can sell for 250 dollars. WHAT THE FUCK.
Over all the unit is nice. Its everything the guy said it was but I feel kinda bad. It was this man's prize posession but either he upgraded or didn't have room or something.... He paid 6400 bucks at an apple store for the thing in 2008 and he used it as just a toy. Nothing special. He got super into streaming and watching streams and hosting sports streams and all that shit when it all started. He wanted me to keep in touch with what I ended up doing with the machine. Another reason I kinda feel bad.....
But he had been trying to sell it for weeks. Had it for 400 selling locally, probably in the paper or something, then moved to craigslist which is where I originally saw the thing and went "Oh hey I should try to get one of those" then it dropped to 200 and I talked him down to 160. Not too bad. I basically paid him for the RAM.
He was a genuinely nice guy though. Best purchase from craigslist I've ever made...
Noteworthy though, before I can move my 370 to it I need another pcie power cable. Yet to figure that arrangement out...
Can you drop another card in or are all the slots filled? I picked up a wireless card on Amazon that has the same chipset as modern macs so it was plug n play w/ OS X.
Good deal. Have fun with it. It's a shame they depreciate so quickly; those older Mac pros really were beautiful machines and the cases are stellar. In fact, some of them had integrated wc loops.
Well another reason I feel bad is that these units can go for 900 easily. I know about the integrated loops btw but I don't see any leads and nothing came up in the options.
This is subject to debate... I for one can't think of any apple product I would call beautiful off the top of my head. But then again I'm not one for silver rectangles and rounded edges. They do look clean I'll give them that... but not my cup of tea.
Alright well 10.7.5 is on it now. Tomorrow I change some stuff around hard drive wise and give my mother the dual xeon machine I rebuilt that the case is falling apart. I have yet to test the GPU or do any hardware benches, but everything checks out.
I'll start a thread tomorrow. A why in the world I think.
I got it for 160 but I have seen 1,1's go for 900. Next time I go to the place I get parts from they'll probably have 2 or 3. I'll get a picture. Though, yen, I know that they aren't actually worth that much. Just a shop being shitty. Though it does give me a price base.
I was going to do some benchmarks but it seems that 10.7.5 doesn't like steam or steam doesn't like the X1900 XT in this machine.... Though it does this "I dunna what ur gpu is bro LOL" shit on every mac I own so I guess I'll blame OS. I'll be using windows by the end of the day and will have my other drives installed as well as my 370. I have a PCIe cabe to pick up yet, in fact. AirPort is solid. I thought the car was dying but I was wrong! I'll be hacking 10.9 onto this machine as it seems to maybe be the newest OSX for it, though Yosemite seems to be in reach as well but not Sierra (first os to be x64 on everything).
I can get Xeon X5360's for the machine and bump it to the 2,1 firmware pretty easily. Looks like all that is less than what I would want optimally is the number of cores, but 2 dual cores is fine. Not worth 70 bucks to me. I'll be doing CSGO tonight hopefully.....