Get Crackin: The OS I Want

I get that, but darwin doesn't really work that way. Darwin doesn't truly give you an OSX user space.

Its really freakin weird and IDK why it even exists.

But here is the kicker. If you manages to get a full OSX user space to the point where you could run full dmgs to run, apple would nuke darwin.

Apple would probably break down your doors and shoot you in the middle of the night because what you will have effectively done is made OSX free and legal for anyone to install on their machine.

It would basically be a legal hackintosh.

lol thats part of the point. Besides apple could just add DRM.

Apple would not and technically could not add drm.

Once you have made what would essentially be and open source OSX, anyone and everyone could simply release software directly to your OS and it would have backwards compatibility with OSX proper.

If software companies can avoid using the stupid app store, they will.