Hi guy, I know this isn't really the place to put this but yeah...
I was wondering if anyone who has learnt German has any tips and knows of useful software to aid the learning process.
Hi guy, I know this isn't really the place to put this but yeah...
I was wondering if anyone who has learnt German has any tips and knows of useful software to aid the learning process.
I found rosetta stone to be helpful.
Had to post this...
^ A good tutorial on how to say no in german.
Having a "traditional" education in German is nice. If you're in or going to be in a school which offers it usually traditional education is popular because it teaches old fashion and if you're lucky some of the really modern german. Rosetta Stone is effective tho, if you're willing to be dedicated to it. They do a pretty good job at teaching modern German as far as I have read into it.
Duolingo is actually kinda awesome. I had formal German classes for a few years, then had a few years off, then brushed up with this. Pretty solid, and free.
Rosetta stone is pretty good. Typically any classes you find at a local school would be good too.
Deutsch ist doch nicht so schwer oder?
also ich hab kein probleme da mit ;)
Liebe grüßé MisteryAngel ;-)
Thanks for all the recomendations guys :) I will definatly take a look at the rosseta stone stuff!
Oh and MiseryAngel, I hope for my sake you are correct.
I moved to Germany in 2006, been here ever since. dict.leo.org is a good translation website for vocabulary.
Rosetta Stone and leo.org especially the forums are very helpful.
What I would suggest is to read as much on German sites as possible. Did that to get better in English, with the German language I never had a problem. Maybe because I'm German :D
In German every noun (such as Probleme) has to start with a capital latter. But not bad.
I mean you could do what I did and move to France(Germany in your case) with only a small knowing of the language. Maintenant, Je parle parfait, mais mon accent n'est pas le meilleur. I was able to get a full understanding of it in less than a year.
Guys, everyone knows what the best way to learn a language is: get a girlfriend/boyfriend from the language group you want to learn!
Außerdem (haha i hope you can see the "ß"-letter) schreibt man damit zusammen und es heißt "keine probleme". Plural. Aber trotzdem sehr gut. Ich gebe dir eine 2... oder besser ein B.
well, learn the: "Vier Fälle":
Wer, oder was?
Wessen, oder was?
Wem, oder was?
Wen, oder was?
The times:
Präsens: Ich gehe
Präteritum: Ich ging
Perfekt: ich bin gegangen
Plusquamperfekt: Ich war gegangen
Futur 1: Ich werde gehen
Futur 2: Ich werde gegangen worden sein
Than you need to know how the sentences are made:
Subjekt, Objekt, Prädikat.... (I've forgotten that)
Eigenschaftswort, Zeitwort, Nomen, Konjunktiv,... is also important. Und Groß/Kleinschreibung ist auch einigermaßen schwierig. Wenn der Satz sich auf ein Wort bezieht ist das Wort meist auch groß (das war nur allgemein, keine Regel!). Wörter, die man mit einem Artikel ausspricht, also Nomen/Hauptwörter sind, schreibt man groß, genauso wie am Satzanfang. (der Satzanfang)
In manchen Fällen, werden auch Zeitwörter od. Eigenschaftswörter groß geschrieben, wie z.B.: Der Große ist süß. oder: Das Schwimmen ist schwer.
Es wird groß (das Wort groß, wird jetzt klein geschrieben) geschrieben, weil der Artikel sich auf das Zeitwort/Eigenschaftswort bezieht.
Das waren so ein paar wichtige Sachen, die mir eingefallen sind. Viel Glück! Du wirst es brauchen, Deutsch ist schwer! :)