General info on guiminer?

Hello everyone, i just set up a new miner and after about an hour i got 1 accepted share at the bottom, what is this?

other questions:

how much of the bitcoins i mine do i get?

what is everything on the guiminer?

where i can find the bitcoins i mined?

even if it is not related to these questions but to the mining team in general, any and all comments are welcome :)


oh, almost forgot (LOL)

my PC RAM and processor on my parents computer (im still at secondary school(i live in th UK)):

>AMD Athlon II X2 215 2.7GHz

>4GB RAM 3.75 usable

>this computer is on roughly 4 hours a day


it would seem you don't have a graphics card.

GPUs are a much more powerful form of computing compared to CPUs

Don't mine for us if you're only cpu mining you'll use 10x the electricity cost than what it'll make

Sorry, i have a nvidia geforce 9200

I don't believe you get any bitcoins if your here to help out Tech sydicate.  They are trying to save up bitcoins so they can make there website better.  They are trying to give out prizes to people that are helping though.  Another thing is you didn't list a gpu on your system specs.  I been reading up about bitcoins and it turns out that gpu are more efficient for mining bitcoins then cpu's are.  You can use a cpu but you will just mine at a slower pace.   On your system it will take a long time before you even get any results and may not even be worth it.  


Hope i help at least a little bit.

Nvidia cards suck for mining Bitcoin and anything really. PLUS that's a low end OLD OLD card.

i stand by what i said before, it's not worth it with that setup.

EDIT: don't flame me! i meant "anything" as any type of mining.

Don't worry i knew what you meant. Anyway Would you say it's worth it investing in a new graphics card for bitcoin mining? 

Also what is the shares at the bottom of the guiminer? Ive got 2

Don't worry i knew what you meant. Anyway Would you say it's worth it investing in a new graphics card for bitcoin mining? 

Also what is the shares at the bottom of the guiminer? Ive got 2

You don't get ANY bitcoins at all by joining TekSyndicates mining pool.

Plus your GPU is really bad for mining. I'm acutally not scared to say, You'll die of old age before that PC does any sigiifcant mining in any pool.


Seriously, just stop mining on that computer. Your only wasting time, engery and money.

Yes it would be worth it.

ask about shares in a bitcoin thread. they're confusing

At the moment, you get around  0.0000022949910542 bitcoins per share. With that card, you will get a ridiculously low hashrate. It will burn more power than you will ever make mining with it. If you want to by a gpu to mine, that's fine, but a worthwile investment will cost you atleast $150

ok, ive been wondering what they are, so far ive got 2 mining for an hour

what about the Nvidia gt 630 2 gig ddr3 Oc core clock 970 mhz ?