General discussion - Where are you from? What's your profession?

Hello all! long time watcher of the channel but new to the forum. I’m a systems administrator for a non-profit health care clinic and I own a small 10 client MSP.

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Nice Try, FBI


FBI? So trying to start a general discussion means I’m FBI? If you do some secret squirrel stuff that just say secret squirrel I don’t care.

Its a meme, my good sir. I’m not actually accusing you of being a narc.

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I don’t get out much lol my bad bruv. :smiley:

Haven’t had social media in like 10 years so I’m pretty far behind.

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Let me ruin your life and suggest to try a meme site:

Its ruined my wife’s life so far. She gets memes now.


I’m a line clearance arborist.

Me either. Social media rejects unite!..err, somehow.

It’s a better way to live lol