GeForce 980 DisplayPort Issue

So apperently there is an issue with a GTX 900 series and a DisplayPort monitor connection.

With that kind of connection the system is simply refuses to load. DVI is working fine though.

Tried different versions of drivers - did not help.

Good thig is that not only I have this issue:


I had this issue with my evga gtx980 - however the fix wasnt to do with the card as such.  Apparently because the cards have multiple dp connections, the power usage can be so low that the monitor doesnt get enough of a signal to switch on.  The fix for mine was actually a driver for my monitor, that patched windows to force the monitor on even with low power input.

Since that patch i have had no issues at all

Samsung 4K U28D590D 28 inch panel and EVGA gtx 980 sc acx with win 8.1 x64

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