I found Tek Syndicate by the 'How to apply Thermal Paste' video. Watching that intrigued me, so I checked out the 'How to Build a PC' video. I really enjoyed the style so I subscribed. After that I found the $350 PC build video and THAT is when things really went crazy.
I wanted to build a cheap Minecraft PC for my Dad, because he was using a crappy dual core using DDR2 RAM and could barely get about 12-30 FPS on very low settings. I figured I'd build him a cheap budget build. After a couple of months I started to look around on NewEgg and Amazon to see what would give me the most for a fairly low amount. (I was only really planning to spent around $400) I didn't realize how bad upgrade fever would catch me.
Now, one tax refund later, here are the specs of the PC I built for my Dad.
- Case: Lian Li TU-100B (The best looking mITX case ever, IMO)
- Mobo: Gigabyte F2-A88XN-WIFI
- APU: AMD A10-7850k (That's right. A kaveri. I went insane. Awesome chip, though)
- RAM: G-Skill Ripjaws X (2x4GB)
- PSU: Silverstone ST45SF 450W
- SSD: 120GB Samsung 840 Evo
- Optical: LG Slim Blu-ray drive (What Mini media PC is complete without a Blu-ray drive?)
- Cooler: Noctua L9A (Works good.)
So for around $700 I built him an excellent mITX PC with room for a dedicated GPU. I love the case because it allows for easy transport to any TV in the house with just a power cable, HDMI cable, and a wireless mouse and keyboard.
Did I stop there? Nope.
For some reason, while making this thing, I decided that my i7 920 with a GTX 660 and 12GB of RAM just wasn't good enough for my needs as a casual gamer. (What is wrong with me?) So seeing as I had not used up all my refund, I built the following for myself.
- Case: Corsair Obsidian 350D mATX
- Mobo: ASUS Maximus VI Gene
- CPU: i7 4770k
- RAM: 16GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 1600 2x8GB (I can add 2 more sticks later to max it out at 32GB)
- PSU: Corsair RM850 850W Modular (I really wanted this thing to be quiet.)
- SSD: 250GB Samsung 840 Evo
... Why? All because some guy on the internet sparked my interest to build a PC. Logan, I blame you for all the awesome I experienced. It's all your fault.
In all seriousness, I'm nearly broke now, but I'm saving up for a graphics card that matches this system (I put the GTX 660 in it for the meantime and put in a geforce 8500gt in my older PC. For some reason, I had a random graphics card lying on top of my kitchen hutch for a few years. Weird.
Which brings me to my main point: What is the most fitting graphics card for my i7 build? I have room to SLI or Crossfire, so I'd like to buy a card soonish, then buy a second one later. Any suggestions?
I'd rather not break $350 per card. I also run 3-4 1080p monitors, so is a 4GB card worth it?