i keep trying to get this xbox app on my pc to work right. Somedays its totally fine than others it crashes the game many times in an hour
Going to need a lot more information before anything helpful come up.
- Windows version
- What xBox app
- What GPU
- Rest of the system specs too might help
- How is it crashing exactly? The same place every time? Does it give any errors you can look up?
- Have you checked the game files for integrity/corruption, or just reinstalled it completely
But right now, are you GPU drivers up to date?
ok ill try my best here, windows 10 64 bit… i should recheck the drivers for everything havent updated the bios manually but ill check the version . i have 2 evga 2080 in nvlink type RTX 2080 XC GAMING, 08G-P4-2182-KR, 8 ram is dominator platinum 16g 4 stick set ddr4 do you want to know the storage the error is just card stopped working . ill have to look again if it happens. how do i look up past error codes and how so i check game files for corruption integrity ive reinstalled the driver but i need to know how to check that also
Gears 5, as far as I know, does not support SLi. If it is enabled it could be causing issues, have you tried to play with just one 2080.
i’m running an g9 odyssey and im trying to not right now have to spend more money on a new video card so i need the ones i have to work. if there’s a workaround in a mod community i don’t know about. that would be helpful. i’m barely getting 70 fps and this monitor can push 240mhz. I really need what i have to just work for now till i get more cash and those cards aren’t in such a short supply . I’m also having trouble with re village but its first day out so it need some software updates etc
I don’t think the game supports SLi though, so you are likely only running on one 2080 to begin with but if it is force enabled in the nVidia driver settings it may be causing the problems.
I am not saying to get a new ones.
The recommended GPU for Gears 5 is only a 1660ti so you should have more then enough in one 2080.