GCHQ have taps on submarine cables from Ireland

Although not surprising to say the least. As the latest snowden leaks show Irelands been TAPPED

This may not sit well with the large clientèle of Data center owners on our little island. Microsoft are fighting the US Department of Justice over emails in the Dublin Data center, Amazon also have a large footprint here with which is odd seeing they wont deliver stuff to Ireland, google are in the midst of getting planning construction of a larger data center in dublin (heard over the grape vine from friends who work in their Datacenter)



The Irish Independent hasn't reported on this surprisingly and TBH i would expect these reports to disappear and it not to make the news at 6 but thats a rant for a different day.

I Care about this I just know that nothing will be done about it with regards to the irish authorites  and if GCHQ want someone for "crimes they'll ask and the police will hand them straight over just like the last time.

anywho my theory is that at government level there might have been an agreement along the way like this ,

UK: hey Ireland, can we tap your internet ....we lost something....?

Ireland: Sure thing btw the username and password to our networks is username: Cisco  password :Class  ,oh and no encryption anywhere if you find encryption its not a government database or some dodgy fella.

UK: Cool thanks! one more thing can you grab this guy for us he said something mean about us on the internet.

Ireland: I'll look into that we will arrest him on intercepting a wired communication as a part of the crimes against the state act and send him your way.

UK: awesome.


Ok i think my rant is now truly over now.



The US has had taps on submarine cables since the 80s

even since before then



There are taps on everything honestly. There's no way to stay COMPLETELY anonymous on the internet anymore, its one of the downsides to it being so open.

Here's an outline of the entire interception chain.


Taps on communications lines has been happening pretty much before the cold war. We had submarines even dive down to have drivers get out to retrieve the tapes. Pretty intestering stuff if you want to read the files now that they are unclassified.
