Hey guys i have never build a pc before but i have done research on parts and how to's for months and i was about ready to order when i realized there was a huge problem with me build. The motherboard i picked could not support the cpu i picked ( i7 3820k) and now i am worried that the parts i picked might not even work togther. Please help me guys ;(
if I have to.....I would really like to keep the GTX 770 the most.
Missing from my build plan( that I know of):
RAM: I would like 32gb ram but I can upgrade to 32gb in the future so I just need ram so I can get started and still be able to play some games like minecraft at max setting and still get over 100 fps. Plus i am trying to run a huge minecraft server 1-1000 people join ing.
POWER SUPPLY: I need a power supply that with run everything in this build no problem.
CPU: I would like a really good i7 CPU that can fit the corsair H100 if the cooler has to change that's fine.
MOTHERBOARD: I have had the hardest time finding a good motherboard that will work great for this build I really need help with this.
CD DRIVE: I do have a few old ones around but I don't know it they are to old or even work I just need one to load windows 7 pro 64 bit
I'm not sure that you require 32GB of RAM, nor an i7 3820k. People who purchase this caliber of machine know what they are doing, typically. You don't sound particularly confident about computer building.
What are you doing with this system (specifically what programs)? That's not to sound rude, but if we know what you need this system for, we can all recommend the right products for you. 3829k and the 2011 platform are a little overkill, in most circumstances.
3770K should be sufficient if you just spend the money you would have waisted on a 3820k and a LGA2011 Motherboard and buy yourself the world's most epic watercooler and a Z77 mobo.