Basically bros i wanna know if this idea would work and some help with specs, list goes as follows Best gaming PC possible Video editing PC Studying/work laptop (you guys give me some specs of the best one)
2-3 monitors for ps4 and xbox1
and a mic and stuff.
Also could you tell me the best mic and headset and the specifics of recording pc and xb1 and what editing software you guys recommend
It would be redundant to have two seperate builds lol, this is what i figured out for you. Didn't include OS or case fans, and you're free to change up the case for your preference, just make sure it supports EATX motherboards for the Black Rampage.
Yeah man, in the end it will; be your build lol. For the xb1 and Ps4, just HDMI cables, so the monitors you buy would have to have them, also invest in an HDMI switch since most monitors only have 1 port and switching out cables would be a hassle.