Gaming Rig 7-800


This is my first post, but I'm a long time lurker. 

So I hit a wall and decided I need a new PC in my life. I've been up and down the options but I think I'm closed to my final build. I've built a few and I'm in the US.

Key points 

-- I'm not going intel

-- I don't need keys, mouse, or monitor

-- Nothing blue (I just prefer black, gray/silver, and red) 

-- Im pretty sold on the GPU unless you can find me another 3Gb w/ 2048 shader cores

-- I just want to make sure I'm not bottle necked anywhere

-- I'll buy another stick of RAM within a week of ordering. I'm just fudging my numbers atm


Thanks for any help and price savings. 

May I ask why you wont go intel? I find being non biased towards every company and picking the best for the money at the time to be a more optimum strategy.

best for the money is still AMD, unless going multiple GPU's. That's a fact. 

Its not that I'm biased. It's that I crunched the numbers and for gaming this CPU hits the best marks at the best price range for me. its better than a low end i5 so I'm good with that. 

And it's better in your price range .

Something like a 8320 + am 3+ 970 / 990 

What I would change :

> you are paying as much on the cpu cooler as the cpu . Just get a cheaper one ( be quiet has some good ones like the dark rock ) .

With that , you can upgrade to a R9 290 

If going AMD, probably the best way is like you did - 8350 + kraken :3

But I'd take a better mobo for this OC. And I think going model G2 supernova. Random internet quote: "The G2 unit is far superior made by the best in the business SUPER FLOWER"

that's very much something I've thought about. I know I'll need a few more fans anyways, but I've always wanted a water cooled rig haha. 

As for the mobo, I think that one you picked looks better, but is the chip set that much of an upgrade to spend almost 2 times the amount? 

I'm running 290x crossfire and the performance is excellent and was cheaper than 780s would have been. Not saying you're wrong but my experience has been different.

I agree that in this build the 8350 is a good idea,I was just making sure that you were making an fair decision there's too many fanboys around :P.