This is my first post, but I'm a long time lurker.
So I hit a wall and decided I need a new PC in my life. I've been up and down the options but I think I'm closed to my final build. I've built a few and I'm in the US.
Key points
-- I'm not going intel
-- I don't need keys, mouse, or monitor
-- Nothing blue (I just prefer black, gray/silver, and red)
-- Im pretty sold on the GPU unless you can find me another 3Gb w/ 2048 shader cores
-- I just want to make sure I'm not bottle necked anywhere
-- I'll buy another stick of RAM within a week of ordering. I'm just fudging my numbers atm
May I ask why you wont go intel? I find being non biased towards every company and picking the best for the money at the time to be a more optimum strategy.
Its not that I'm biased. It's that I crunched the numbers and for gaming this CPU hits the best marks at the best price range for me. its better than a low end i5 so I'm good with that.
If going AMD, probably the best way is like you did - 8350 + kraken :3
But I'd take a better mobo for this OC. And I think going model G2 supernova. Random internet quote: "The G2 unit is far superior made by the best in the business SUPER FLOWER"
I'm running 290x crossfire and the performance is excellent and was cheaper than 780s would have been. Not saying you're wrong but my experience has been different.