A friend of my asked me to make a build for him, it would be used primarily for Photoshop, and Aftereffects but also gaming.
I am from Serbia so for some parts we do have limited options. I have done gaming builds for me and for some of my friends, but i do not have much experience when it comes to adobe apps. It would be nice to know what is crucial for a build with these functions in mind, and also if someone has a full build to recomend as a guideline it would be nice. Also if there are ( and there ussually are ) more good options can you please list te pros and cons of each one? Thank you in advance!
Parts are probably a lot more expensive in Serbia, so I gave you a little head room, if its still over your budget, let me know and I will create a new build.
I like what anarmypig made, but you can change a few things and get a better build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/IrtN
The PSU is better; fully modular, 80+ gold, great brand, and not much more. Photoshop takes a lot of memory, so 16GB of RAM with a nice low CL of 9, while at 1866mHz. It makes it a bit more expensive, but thoes upgrades are worth it.
Thanks guys, but i have a couple of questions - would you recomend faster HDDs or some sort of raid configuration? And also, how much does such high end graphics card help with rendering? I also forgot to mention that I already have a full tower case that i will use for this build.
In Nvidia based GPU's, Adobe takes advantage of something called CUDA cores, which help your speed in AFterEffects and Photoshop, but rendering is more CPU intensive, so the 6-core CPU in both builds above will speed everything up. Plus, AfterEffects EATS RAM, so the most you can afford, the best.