Gaming pc

Im building a budget gaming pc for Christmas and i cant decide if i want to get an i3-3225 or an amd fx-4350. The main reson i would want the intel is for pcie-3.0 and the simplicity of not overclocking. But i feel like id be cheating myself if i got the i3. the only thing that worries me about the fx-4350 is finding a decent motherboard cheap that copuld overclock it and a cheap air cooling solution. Also many benchmarks show the i3 pulling ahead in games.  Which should i choose?


I'd go with the FX-4350.  I find that the four cores would help in the long run.

If you want cheap, the Athlon X4 760K would be cheaper to start and overclock with, but it's not as upgradeable.

A good budget cooler is the Hyper 212 Plus

Go with the fx but if you can spare a little bit more money i would definitely get the i3-4130 brilliant performance for the price and not that much slower that the i5's