So I am pretty much set on the build. I have an HDD. I just need reviews from people that have had experience wiht these products. I also want helpful suggestions. Not ones that tell me to buy a PC that is 200 dollars more expensive. I do not plan on overclocking. I ALSO LIVE IN CANADA. SO CHANGE THE COUNTRY TO CANADA.
I made some changes to your build. I swapped out the 7970 for a msi 7950. The reason for this is that there is only a 5% difference in performance and if you wanted to you could overclock abit to get a little more. Got the 8320 with a different motherbaord just so it will be better performance and less upgrading for you in the future. Even though you said you weren't going to overclock it would be better just to get a different cooler because the stock ones can get quite loud on load.
I use the ram in my own machine and it is solid. And snaggy is right about the cooler. AMD coolers suck and are really loud under load. There like an 60mm fan that is really high speed. You should listen and get one. (wish I did right away). Or your gonna regreat it when it sounds like a hair dryer playing games.
If you remember what the first run of the Xbox 360 sounded like and how people said that was loud. The AMD stock sink makes that sound down right silent.
Well if you want to pay an extra $100 for no hardly any increase in perfermance go for it. As for if i have any of that hardware, Yes i do i have a hyper 212 evo. keeps my cpu under 30 idle and 50 load. I have a bigger model of the psu. i have the cx750m good psu but i stuffed it up.
But everything else i put in there was a upgrade to what you put in and for less.