Hey all, id like to have some of your personal thoughts on the lifetime on my build
i have a i5 3570k with a Directcuii 7850 which i will OC i have 8 gb of ram
when it comes to gaming ill be playing at 1366x768p and i know ill be getting 45+ on at least very high on most if not all modern games
i find ultra low settings at like 15 fps playable looking at todays graphics increase how long do u think it will last ( i know answers to this question are meaningless i just want to hear your input
I have a fx 8350 and 16gb of ram but i have the same card as you, also overclocked.
I average 55 fps inbetween of bf3 when playing custom settings that are all on high or above. Great card. Hope you got the 2GB version makes a big diff