Gaming PC.. looking for what type of performance I would get out of my build


Noting the fact that this is a APU:

Heres a Link from PCPartsPicker:


but incase you aren't willing to follow that link heres the run down.


AMD A8-3870K 3.0GHz Quad-Core Processor 

Zalman LQ-310 Liquid CPU Cooler

ASRock A55 PRO3 ATX FM1 Motherboard

G.Skill Trident X Series 16GB (4x4GB) DDR3-2400 Memory

HIS Radeon HD 7850 2GB Video Card**

Zalman Z5 ATX Mid Tower Case

HEC 585W ATX12V Power Supply

Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer\


**The thing im most concerned about is that the card cost 200 bucks.. This is a budget build and I would love to keep the price down. I have been on the hunt for the most bang for my buck. Tek Syngicate does a great job at the builds but I always see a lot of comments ( and some proof of those comments) that say that the performance could have been better even at the desired price.



Without the GPU its 404 bucks not bad. But im worried that I will get the this system and be at the same spot I am... barely being able to play any of the games I want to with or without my friends. 404 is a good starting point I wouldn't want to go really all that much higher for the build maybe 500.


Thank you for any and all of your advice and thank you for taking the time to read this.


that isn't even compatible. get an fx-6300, am3+ mobo, 8gigs of ddr3-1600, and the 7850 or 7870, the ram will drop the price pretty good. slao, look for a better psu. antec, cooler master, corsair, nzxt, seasonic, and xfx are soem of the best. you won't need more than 500w

Why would you get an APU and a GPU, why would you get 2400 ram? That's retarded and overpriced. I hate how this forum spews shit about faster ram being better. It makes almost no differance except for overclocking and APU's. AGAIN.


Why get an APU, with a 7850?  You are completely defeating the purpose of an APU.  Just why on 2400mhz ram? and 16gb of it?  And why a watercooler?


You wanne keep it cheap? buy a Phenom x4 965, hyper 212 evo, and 8gb of 1600mhz ram.  And please for the love of god don't skimp on PSU, get a good brand.

ok I think some of us need a chill pill first off.. if you read the post I was concerned that if I didn't get a GPU that I wouldn't be getting the desired performance.. with that said. I appreciate all the comments.. this is my first attempt at a build. The reason for the high speed ram was because I was informed that the faster and more RAM you got the better the video performance would be I was informed (edivently incorrectly) that the video performance is based more on RAM then the Processor. I am happy that I asked the question, and I am more than thankful for the advice. 


Thank you

what part isn't compatible?.. I'm going off of pcpartspicker and some information from the forum. 

Phenom x4 965 isn't an FM1 socket. the reason why I went with a watercooler is because I want to be over protective of the processor. 

If you are looking to stick with the wonderfully inexpensive end of the CPU market, the A10 is a much better option than the A8, and you can stick it in a board that'll take the RAM all the way to 2800 MHz and beyond. Also, I haven't found a particularly good use yet for anything beyond 16 GB of RAM until I have the entire Adobe Creative Suite open at once. And that is just because each program is a RAM hog. Anyway, the A-series isn't really good enough or hot enough to need liquid cooling and just about any aftermarket cooler will allow you to enter the world of overclocking, which ASRock does do so well. But, yeah. 8GB of RAM, A10 5800k, Zalman cooler, ASRock microATX board, Powercolor PCS+ 7870 (Tahiti), 500W Corsair power supply and a really cooling efficient NZXT case. If you want to add fans later I suggest the coolermaster sickle 120mm fans as they are low noise and high volume. Pick a color you like.

ok so I have redone the build.... Here it is

I have gone with Mndless and went to A10

I am keeping the liquid cooler because its cheep and will do more than enough which is to me PERFECT!

no GPU, and im keeping the ram.. honestly I just like the fact that I know that if I will ever update this I will most definately have the RAM I need to do so, and plus its only 60 bucks.

I hate gaming on APU's.. they are just not suited for it. The A10 5800K with HD 6770 in dual graphics reaches only 36 fps average in Skyrim on  max settings. For gaming, i'd rather go with an i3 3220 with HD 7770 OC.

I'm open to suggestions.. My only thing is it has to be 400-500 bucks.. I'm not really expecting to play everything on ultra high and at insane FPS if i can that would be amazing.. but honestly I'm looking to get the best I can for what I can afford

Assuming from what you posted you don't need storage or any peripherals.

I would go with something more like that. It uses the same case you wanted, and CPU Cooler, the difference is it is slightly future proofed by having the (albeit outdated) Am3+ 970 Extreme4 Board. You have a solid budget graphics card that can play games on medium- High settings without much issue. You have 8 GB of ram which should be more than enough to do what you want to do, the Same DVD/CD drive. AND a better PSU which also lends towards better future proofing and upgradability.

ok cool thanks. That seems to be just about right.. its just the pricing lol.. But maybe I can pinch in another 100 for the build.


Thank you for your time!

I know you're not supposed to skimp on the power supply, but 750 watts seems way overkill for the rest of that build. Sure it'll be more future-proof, but for Jesus... My 2600k and 7870 combo, both overclocked, aren't even work for my 650 w PSU. Could probably save at least 20 bucks on that. Still get a good brand with 80 plus, but honestly 550 watts should be plenty, 650 would be more than safe.

Also, that CPU cooler... I don't really see the point. 70 bucks isn't a cheap cooler. My i7 2600k runs planty cool at 4.5 ghz (33% OC) on a Hyper 212+, which is what, 20 bucks? That 70 could easily move you up a GPU bracket instead.

Why a regular 650? That think is a lot slower than a 650Ti, the 650 isn't all that good for gaming that's why I sold mine and got the 650Ti and I saw a big differnece in games.

Taking some suggestions in the thread is this one a little closer to your budget?

The Zalman 310 is 33.00 after the rebate.. until that rebate is cancelled I dont see the point in not getting it

thats pretty damn close to my budget.. what type of performance would I see from that build?