Hi! I'm a college student who need a good stable gaming pc and a pc for all my school needs. As a college student I'm on a budget and would like to know how to build a pc at about the $300-$400 price range. I've gotten bored with consoles and want to be with the PC gamers. I have both a ps3 and xbox 360 and can sell those for some money, but the problem lies with what parts to buy. I would greatly appreciate some other opinions.
P.S: I have a Dell E177FP. Will that run high quality visuals? and I also a mouse and keyboard so thats something else I dnt have to pay for.
dell monitors are decent. not as good as asus, but not as bad as acer.
use an amd A10, 8g of ddr3-1866 ram, or faster, asrock FM-2 mobo (they can support higher-speed RAM), a hyper-212 plus, case of your choice, and a decent 450-600w psu. and a WD blue 1tb hdd, or a seagate barracuda