My friend is building a PC for 1000-1300 dollars and he needs help.
He wants a balenced build capable of running aaa titles at 60 fps (GTX 970 Windforce G1). we will do some (very little) video editing we wants to overclocked and we really wants the pc to look a little bit Pretty.
The psu is a bit overkill, but for that price you can´t complain. Further i choosed for the i7-4790K for the editing work, this will be a great cpu for rendering. For the rest i think it has all the bells and whisless he wants.
I like it (similar to my future build, however, he said very little video editing. i would drop $100 and go with the 4690k. will be more then fine for light video editing. Sure it will be a little bit slower at rendering, but i assume he won't be doing it that often, and it will still be fast. Then he could put that towards some games.