Hey guys I wanna build a gaming pc but to keep the price down i'm gonna be reusing my 1440x900 resolution monitor. I've been using it for awhile and i have no problems with it :) i find it to be an enjoyable resolution to play games at.
my budget is $600 and i wont be doing any overclocking, however i probably wont use a stock heatsink because they suck.
Is a 1GB GDDR5 graphics card good enough to play DX11 games with high textures with 50-60fps? Also, intel seems a bit overpriced so i think i'd like to go AMD. tigerdirect has a fx6100 OEM for $99 at the moment. Does this chip offer decent performance for it's price?
Thanks in advance
-rubixcubix :)
The amount of vram for the most part won't really effect the actual performance of the graphics card. It's more over tha actual speed of the card, in terms of memory and core clock. There is also the matter of the actual effieciency of the architecture of the card. There are things such as different numbers of CUDA cores, the number of compute units, the effective memory clock, the number of shaders, the memory bandwith, and memory bus and the core count. At $99 the fx 6100 is worth it but, you should look out for an fx 6300 instead, the per core performance is much higher, and it's not too much more expensive.
tl;dr: there's a hell of a lot more to a gpu than the amount of vram 1gb is enough though
the 6100 is a good option but, look out for a 6300, it''s slightly faster in terms of per core performance
alrighty, ill opt for a 6300. In terms of graphics cards, what do you recommend for my resolution? i was thinking a 7850 2GB to future proof it a little. What do you think?
The 7850 should work pretty damn fine for that resolution. Though the 2gbs of vram aren't really neccessary at that resolution. Instead of spending extra on more vram, spend extra on a card with a nicer cooler and overclock it. You'll get better performance this way, especialy at that resolution.
Why don't you make a post asking for a $600 build.
If you can give me a few details such as need for periphreals, hard drives, operating sytem and more about what you're using it for, I'de be happy to post a good build
The reason why i didnt go for overclocking is because i've never done it before and i'm very inexperienced. I'd greatly appreciate if you were to post a good build for me. I have a monitor, mouse, and keyboard, as well as a copy of Win7 on hand.
You won't become experienced untill you try. Give me a few minutes and i'll post a nice build
Here, take a look at that, it's got and fx 8320 8gbs of ddr3 1866mhz ram, a 7870xt, and an aftermarket cooler incase you ever want to overclock and for noise reduction.
8 cores? is it worth paying the extra money for it on my resolution? also i dont think i'll be able to do much overclocking on the motherboard you picked. Its only 45 bucks. Or will it do? also it only supports 1333mhz ram. the core 1000 is a nice small case, but theres no room for cable routing, or am i wrong? Also i'm really not sure about that power supply. It's 80plus but only 500w.
the graphics card is doiscontinued as well xD
The cpu usage will not be affected by the resolution, it's definitley worth it. The 500w psu should not be a problem but i'll try to change some things around and get something with higher wattage. I was unaware of the motherboard only supporting 1333.
Here's a revised build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/william123098/saved/1MVP
It goes just a little over budget however, you get a free 8 gigs of RAM with the Mobo which you can either use instead of the RAM I recommended and get a better GPU, or just sell it
You my friend, are simililar to me. I've been reusing my AOC 917w at 1440x900 since the day I bought it.
As far as the processor goes, don't get the 6100, go for a 6300 or even an 8320 or 8350 as suggested by William. I myself wanted to get the 6300 but it wasn't available at the time in my country, popular wisdom being that it's hot throughout the year and you don't want an amd processor torching your house down, which is ridiculous. I couldn't even find the phenom 965. In India, Intel and Nvidia are names tied to reliability and they dominate the market and amd products have the notoriety of never being released or vanishing very quickly which is really sad since a lot of us need these value for money cpus. However, I had my qualms about overclocking like you so i decided to go with a 3570(non k) and a high end H77 mobo that supports crossfire. A week later the 8350 was released :(
Now as far as the gpu goes, I have a sapphire radeon 7850 1 gb and it is joyous. It's the highest end gpu that people can imagine getting around here, most of them will stick to the 7770. The card has probably the best price to performance ratio after the 7870, which I suggest you get. Anyway for 1440x900 you'll be suprised at the number of demanding games you can throw at this. The only downside is that I have to turn on vsync for a few games since the monitor only supports 60Hz. I'm currently saving up for another 7850 which i can crossfire with this baby before it is wiped out from our markets. However, William has put together a great config for you. However, I'd suggest you stretch your budget a bit more and get the 8350.