Gaming PC Build

Hi all was hoping someone can PCPiker a item list for a $1500 gaming RIG would be great help please include OS. Also a monitor. Thanks all Please go with haswell if u can.

Hey check this one:

It has haswell, an awesome gpu, two monitors...

I wasn't sure about the OS and the case cause it really depends on personal preference.

Good luck!

MoBo isn't capable of crossfire.  PSU can therefore be downgraded to 550W or so.

Tried to go with a R/B color scheme.

Room to upgrade to a Crossfire configuration.

Yeah thats better.

But I still think two monitors are worth it over making room for crossfire. I would get a cheaper mobo and the second monitor.

But that's just my opinion.

Thanks a ton guys!!

I would highly not recommend you put a 290 or 290x without a watercooler, for a AIO the artic accelero hybrid works quite nice for 100$