Gaming PC Build

Hey guys. I've been thinking of building a PC for a long time. Using an old laptop with a monitor, mouse, and keyboard is not the best. Now this PC will be used mainly for gaming and web browsing. I have two builds. One for a some what higher ranged PC, and the second being a lower ranged build.

Yes I know there isn't a SSD in either build but what I'm thinking of doing is build the PC and then buying a Samsung 840 Pro 120GB and use Samsung's data trasfer software to move the OS and my favorite games.

My router and modem are downstairs and my gaming room is upstairs so I sadly need that powerline. If you have some kind of cheaper idea for the network I would appreciate that.

I do have a color scheme going on. Blue and white. I like sleek cases like the P280. If you find a build where the cost and performance out match the looks, then thats fine.

I am only a young teen so I guess money is sort of an issue. I do like cheap but not cheap where you have parts of some completely unknown brand. I have a way of getting cash sort of quickly and no, it's not drugs.

If you guys could help me with my build that would be wonderful. This is my first time building so I'm sort of "noob" at this. Thanks for the people who actually read this entire thing.

Since your on a budget id slightly modifiy the first build and drop the fx8350 for a fx8320 (they are the same chip, just the **20 is slightly underclocked and since youve got that watercooler i assume your gonna overclock in which both chips will overclock the same) and also drop the hd 7950 for the hd 7850 and put what you save towards another 7850(or a ssd) in the future.

Keep the 7950 its a real beast. No use dropping that...