Gaming PC build

Hey guys I'm build my first PC. I want to spend around $300 or less. so far I have 

Thermaltake black widow (PC gaming) TR2 RX 850w 

Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 

Western digital 1.0TB WD caviar black 
Please tell me other parts that woulby be good with this. Also donations would be nice. Thanks.

fx6300 + cheap 970 board.

would that be a good motherboard ?

What games are you planning to play? 

if you not gonne do any overclocking then that is not a bad board

All types, from MINECRAFT to Battlefield 3

Oh we'll I probably won't, but do you think there's a better intel option ? Or anything better?

im a bit hassitating wenn it comes to overclocking on asrock am3 boards, i realy see much people haven problems with it, mostly failed boards. wenn do some overclocking.. extreme

let me get this right.

you want to spen 300 for mainboard and cpu ? or total build.

i would not go for intel by the way.


No $300 for CPU, motherboard, RAM, Case.

why not ?

cause its to expensive , well i gonne look what i can find :)


Yeah I tought so. Also I'm doing a black and red theme so if you can find that would be awesome thanks. **I have: Power Suply, GPU, HDD, CD/DVD Drive** so don't look for that.

I disagree. Pentium G's are amazing and the cheapest can be had for $50. Pair it up with a cheap 6670 and it rivals Higher end APUs in both price and performance. (Intel i3)

I'm not saying that you should go with Intel over AMD. You choose what's best for you. I just wanted to make it clear that you couldn't go wrong either way.

if you dont mind using a black based asrock board i found this


or if you realy like it red

haha lol red is a nice color ;)

Pentium G? ah come on :)

he wants gameing.... ?

amd FX6300 is realy best to go here :P

he has to spend 300 for case memory cpu and mainboard, why shouldn´t he get the best what he can get for that money

I think this is my final list 

AMD FX-6300, Asrock 970 PRO3, Corsair Vengens 8GB (2x4GB), Nvidia GTS 450, Thermaltake Black Widow 850w, WD 1.0TB Caviar Black, NZXT Sourse 210 Elite