Gaming PC build - How is it?

Here I have a PC build that I plan to order the parts and build soon. I just wanted to make sure that I am getting the bang for my buck, and that my build is solid. This is a gaming rig by the way. Thanks in advance!

Here is the build:

OS is not included on purpose.  

If you could i would try and get a R9 280x, if not that is fine but thats the only reasonable thing you could upgrade to get a noticeable performance boost. Its like 305$ on NCIX right now

Well you could try this build. I switched out the motherboard(its actually the one i use). It doesnt have USB 3 headers on it though but theres a 7970 in there which is same as the 280x when overclocked. You can still go with the asus if you add $25 and you will be $6 over 900. You will run EVERY game at 1080p high settings with this.

r80x/7970 blows the 760 out of the water... also I would use the TX series of Corsair instead of the CX series... much more reliable